110 cm x 160 cm, 2021. oil on canvas. sold.
‘Exit 3’ was painted in my Studio during Covid, from my memories, drawings and paintings of working for 10 years around The Bank of England.
I like to commit to a particular area for at least six years, working in all weathers, but usually at the same time each week. Firstly, I’ll draw to understand the narrative patterns and rhythms of the area. Then I’ll paint in oils on small boards, plein air, to see the local colour palette, without getting too bogged down in the finer details. I’ll paint larger composite paintings onsite. Finally in the Studio, on a very large canvas, I will use my memories, drawings, paintings to create a narrative of my experience of that location. See also Cityscape sketchbooks & large drawings.

A small collection of plein-air oil paintings on board, painted around the Bank of England, particularly of Peter, who was a welcoming cheery sight, giving out the CityAM papers early morning, at Exit 3. Using an old suitcase that had been made into a Painting box.

The ‘Royal Exchange’ was painted at the same time every week, so I could see the local narrative. Painted after Covid, it was a rather special commission, after two years away.

‘Entrance to Lloyds‘, 2023. Oil on canvas, 30 x 60cm, sold private commission.
‘Entrance to Lloyds’ was my last painting on site in the city. A private commission, again painted onsite at the same time & day, over a few weeks.

‘The Yellow Door’ 2023 oil on canvas, 40×30 cms. sold private commission